Let's Talk About Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

The Black Mirror series has become infamous due to its perspective on how innovation and technology can have an impact on the people's lives around you and mental stability. With Bandersnatch we get a new perspective on the series with the film being interactive which allows for different perspective and numerous paths you can go through. The idea is perfect for this series because it's entire focus is centered around technology, and being as innovative as possible, so it just makes sense to test the odds with an ode to the 80s and choose your own adventure games/ books.
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The film focuses around a mentally ill protagonist that starts developing a game. Over the course of the film he becomes more and more obsessed with the idea, eventually coming to an extremely meta commentary like conclusion in his mind that he is being watched and has completely lost the ability to make choices on his own, of course from our perspective this is true. in reality you could watch the film in around 90 minutes unless you decide to go back and see how different decisions effect the journey you take, which will easily keep you occupied for many hours.

Image result for bandersnatch black mirror gifsWhen i decided to immediately join the metaphorical hype train, i was completely overwhelmed from a critic like perspective, I mean, It is a film that has an astonishing, unpredictable amount of possibilities. I struggled at first to even put my thoughts of the film into a trail of words. The phrase, something new, something old, and something blue come to mind while watching, the film may not be blue however it wonderfully combines decades of choose your own adventures and something new being interactive t.v/ film, in a way it's bringing back a new era of television, as little as that makes sense until you watch it.

In true Black Mirror fashion of course something has to go wrong. Our many character begins to lose all sense of himself and his sanity. Throughout the many different paths that you can take our main character can have varying realities, some for example, you choose to either have you or your friend take acid and jump off the balcony of his apartment, others can cause the main character to kill himself, and if you're lucky you get to have an action movie style fight with your therapist. It really is a thrilling film that I can thing can bring a new light to the industry.

My biggest issue is that the film does not stick to the Black Mirror premise I'm used to. Usually when i would sit down and watch an episode as unpredictable as they are I'd still be able to hold onto the premise of advancing technology and showing different way of how it could effect society as a whole. Bandersnatch doesn't focus on this premise it is more of a tale of mental issues and where we are as a society in a time closer to the present but still in the past.Related image

Bandersnatch definitely got me interested in a topic i never even though about with the choose your own adventure genre of books and im excited to get more into that world. Overall i would definitely take the time to check out the film if for nothing else other than the experience of something new.
